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My Greatest Wish This Christmas

Some while ago, I wrote a letter to Obama titled “My Greatest Wish”. I know the president has a lot on his plate and my letter would never see the light of day. Something in me said “at least try”. I did but as expected, the president or anyone for that matter probably never saw it. I still have that wish. If only I could see the person I love this Christmas, it would be pure joy. This letter might be silly but nothing less than love.So here’s the letter, my fellow bloggers. Hope it makes you smile.

Dear President Obama,

How are you? One of my greatest wishes this Christmas is to be next to the man I love. He’s a Fine Arts Painter in USA and I am a Freelancer. I’ve known him since 2010. It was love at first brush when I saw his artwork on Facebook. I contacted him to do a portrait for me.  A few days later, we went back to our busy lives almost forgetting each other.

Then a year later in November, he sent me an email with a sketch that I inspired. It was the best email I’ve ever gotten. At that time I was going through several obstacles that left me feeling not so cheerful. His email somehow saved me.

Ever since, we’ve been communicating via instant messaging applications. Through such avenues, we shared our joys, our sorrows, achievements and dreams. We finally saw each other a year later. It was heavenly. Then he left and I thought it would be fine as we are used to being apart and I believe that one year we might live in the same country or at least have the opportunity to see each other as many times as we could. In 2013, I mustered the courage to apply for my visa. I’ve never done this before and I heard so many horror stories. I told my friends who had her visa my inhibitions and she gave me advice. I was afraid to get turned down.  I really wanted to see him for his birthday that year.

A day prior to the interview, I traveled the 3-4 hr journey from Montego Bay to Kingston as I had an early morning interview. The night before the interview, I couldn’t sleep. I wanted everything to be perfect.  As I walked on the grounds of the Embassy, my heel broke in front of those waiting outside. I smiled, took the broken heel up and continued walking. I got inside, sat and waited for my time to be interviewed. I was so nervous. I heard people getting rejected and the looks on their faces were heartbreaking. It was then my turn, interview started, it seemed to be going alright then I must have said the wrong thing because the interviewer gave me that dreaded green paper. I wanted to say “I really just want to visit the person I love and come back home” but I knew it wouldn’t make any difference.

I hopped out of the embassy, gave my courier money to a young man that was awarded his visa as he didn’t have enough. I walked away, head dropped, tried not to cry in public.Ever since, I’ve been afraid to try again. Rejection was a hard blow when I have so much looking forward to. He has seen me several times since but it’s not easy for him financially especially since he lost a few family members recently. I really want to meet him half-way. So I’m writing you, silly as it may seem. You might never read this. You might not even be able to help. I just still have a spark of hope and I choose to share this spark with you.  I’m hoping somehow that this wish can be granted that I’ll be able to spend New Year’s Eve with the man I love or at least have the opportunity to visit him in 2017. That’s all I want for Christmas even if it’s just one visit.

I’m looking forward to your reply. Happy holidays to you and yours!




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